
Nadine’s Personal Mission Statement

As I embrace the empowerment model of Naturopaths, my mission is to provide sound nutritional knowledge and education, making it possible for each individual to take greater personal responsibility and ownership of their health and overall well-being. With this new found knowledge, to then make new eating and lifestyle choices along the way allowing for improved quality of life and for greater self-awareness, self-discovery, internal balance and self-healing.

My commitment to YOU
When I made it through my Cervical Cancer ordeal in 2004, I committed my life to educating others on how to heal their bodies with food. I am dedicated to co-creating results with you as you take ownership of your eating habits, exercise habits and inner self-talk. During your process you truly will Unveil Your Beautiful Physique Within. I am committed to walking by your side, for as long as your personal fat loss transformation takes, providing Knowledge, Education and Support, as you learn to EMPOWER yourself. With this empowerment you truly will have the tools needed to Create Lifestyle Changes that Last a Lifetime and achieve the body and healthy lifestyle of your dreams. It is an honor and privilege for ME to experience YOU as you take new steps, spread your wings… and FLY… ~Nadine

Nutrition: Homeopathic Remedies

In working with Nadine, in either a Private Individual, or Family Nutrition Session, you may be exposed to information on HERBS, SPICES and Homeopathic Remedies. The following is intended to shed a bit of light in that arena and spark further interest, as you continue your path to overall health and wellness.

Homeopathy is a two-hundred-year-old medical system that can be used at home to care for a wide spectrum of mild-to-moderate acute health issues. Homeopathy works with us, not on us. When remedies are selected correctly, they act rapidly, deeply and curatively, stimulating the body’s defenses rather than simply suppressing symptoms. The best reason to use homeopathic remedies/medicines in self-care is that they work, another is their low cost.

Homeopathic medicines are exceptional, as they can greatly enhance deep healing without the harmful side effects so commonly caused by conventional medicines. According to homeopathic philosophy, health is defined as: a state of freedom existing on 3 inter-related levels: the physical, the emotional and the mental. The mental state is considered the most important followed by the emotional state then the physical state.

In your own travels of gathering healing information, you may have been exposed to the concept that Healing takes place from the Inside-Out, dealing with the Last issue that showed up, and from the Head down. That is the very premise of Hering’s Laws of Cure followed by Homeopaths and Naturopaths .

Hering’s Laws of Cure

  • Law I ~ healing progresses from the deepest part of the organism (mental, emotional levels and vital organs) to the external parts. [Inside-Out]
  • Law II ~ symptoms appear and disappear in the reverse of their original chronological order of appearance [Last will be First, First will be Last]
  • Law III ~ healing progresses from the upper to the lower parts of the body [Top-to-Bottom]

Symptoms can be either Particular or General in nature. Particular symptoms refer to local symptoms associated with a specific part of the body (throat pain, cold feet). General symptoms are those felt by the entire body (chills, aches, exhaustion).

The following Guidelines for the Proper Care, handling and storage of homeopathic remedies are offered, should you choose to embrace homeopathic remedies in your own self-care.

Prevent exposure to sunlight, intense light and temps higher than 100 degrees F
Prevent exposure to strong odors like camphor and perfumes
Keep medicines in their original containers
Do not contaminate the medicine
Only open ONE remedy at a time
Throw away any excess pills if they come out of the bottle
Replace contaminated meds

SOUL Food in stores

breaking news…

The app for SOUL Food has now been downloaded in 21 countries.
The cards themselves are available for purchase
online :
* at the Store at Magnificence Mine  click here
* at Amazon click here
in Colorado at these stores:
* Northern Lights Bookstore ~ Fort Collins
* The Charmacy – Fort Collins
* Total Image Salon – Fort Collins
* The Heart of the Earth – Loveland

Please contact Nadine to have SOUL Food Deck One in YOUR place of businessSF_NorthernLights2

Nadir’s Notes ~ 2011 prep to the Natural Northern USA

This is a place for ME to record my thoughts, my challenges, my victories as I pave my way to the 2011  Natural Northern USA’s to be held in Cleveland OH on October 1st. My Intention is to select three words daily that I desire to Wear, Explore, and BE.

You are welcome to read this, who knows, maybe through my own meanderings there will be something to help another.  Should you desire to leave a comment, please make it about the information within.  spammers are not welcome Please HONOR that .

*****  NOTE **** I changed the view of my blog so that my latest post will be on the TOP.  I trust this will assist in your viewing.  Thanks for following along with my progress. ~Nadine


Sunday  June 26th~ ME as… Unstoppable…  Unshakable….  Warrior… ME

Foundation Words:   New+ Abundant+ Interested

NOTES : Well here I go.  I have not written in my daily blog about my bodybuilding prep in a long time.  Some part of me just did not want to let others know I was going for this show.  However.  When I see it in PRINT it is REAL.  Entry form has been Submitted.  Accpetance has been RECEIVED.  So no to get the flight booked.

Day End:  my cardio was off today since I was writing an article.  But I am READY to TAKE IT ON starting at 515 am.

the NATURAL CO ~ Oct 2008

Well the camera positioning is not the best… and I am moving all around the stage so harder to capture…… however still kewl.. here is the routine from the Evening show taken Oct 2008 at The NATURAL Colorado.
I was given the privilege of starting the show..meaning.. this was the first routine of the night… it got to set the stage for everything else. Lovely..
I placed 2nd.. however am very PLEASED with the Physique I have created and the way I Presented Myself. I OWN THIS..
Thank you so much for your support ~Nadine
Will add pics as I get them of the show…

I was super excited to see the development in my back.  I have been working on this for over a year.  Nice split in the hamstring.