This and That

its all about SHIFT

Enjoy this & that

click on each title to experience total AWESOMENESS

Many times in life we each bump up against walls. Sometimes it feels like there is no way around the wall or through the wall. It is during those times that Angels show up… sometimes in the form of a written piece of inspiration. Below you will find links to some powerful pieces that have come into my life over the years. I always come back to these and share them with Joy and Laughter. May they ADD to your day, shed some light, and maybe, just maybe provide an opportunity to go one more minute, one more day.

Know that you can MAKE IT THROUGH to the other side of any obstacle.
Know that you HAVE everything you need right here .. right now!!

~Dr Nadine

The Invitation ~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Your Life is a Sacred Journey ~ Caroline Joy Adams 

Imagine a Woman

The Angels ~ Sheila Beth Gibson

A Cup of Coffee ~ author unknown

A Reason, a Season or a Lifetime

I Wish You Enough

The Real Woman Creed

The Sculptor’s Attitude

Autobiography in 5 Short Chapters ~ Portia Nelson

The Daffodil Principle

Why Do I Do This?