Nadine’s Personal Mission Statement

As I embrace the empowerment model of Naturopaths, my mission is to provide sound nutritional knowledge and education, making it possible for each individual to take greater personal responsibility and ownership of their health and overall well-being. With this new found knowledge, to then make new eating and lifestyle choices along the way allowing for improved quality of life and for greater self-awareness, self-discovery, internal balance and self-healing.

My commitment to YOU
When I made it through my Cervical Cancer ordeal in 2004, I committed my life to educating others on how to heal their bodies with food. I am dedicated to co-creating results with you as you take ownership of your eating habits, exercise habits and inner self-talk. During your process you truly will Unveil Your Beautiful Physique Within. I am committed to walking by your side, for as long as your personal fat loss transformation takes, providing Knowledge, Education and Support, as you learn to EMPOWER yourself. With this empowerment you truly will have the tools needed to Create Lifestyle Changes that Last a Lifetime and achieve the body and healthy lifestyle of your dreams. It is an honor and privilege for ME to experience YOU as you take new steps, spread your wings… and FLY… 

~ Dr Nadine

Join me! Your Flight begins here