
The following books have had an impact in my own journey of healing, understanding etc. I have this habit of highlighting, underlining and bolding the things I feel are important. If I do that here, everything would be underlined, bolded, starred, etc. So I am simply going to list things and attempt to put them in categories that make sense.

Nutrition Corner

The Taming of the Chew ~ A Holistic guide to Stopping Compulsive Eating. Denise Lamothe. Penguin Books.

One Day My Soul Just Opened Up. Iyanla Vanzant. Simon & Schuster.

Everybody’s Guide to HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES. Stephen Cummings & Dana Ullman. Penguin Group.

AGING Fight It with the Blood Type Diet. Peter D’Adamo & Catherine Whitney. G.P. Putnum’s Sons.

Eat Right for Your TYPE ~ Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia. Peter D’Adamo & Catherine Whitney. Riverhead Books.

The Arthritis Cure revised edition. Jason Theodosakis & Sheila Buff. St Martin’s Griffin

Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude. Jeffrey Gitomer. FT Press.

Detoxification ~ All you need to know to recharge renew and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. Linda Page. Healthy Healing Publications.

The Astonishing POWER of EMOTIONS ~ Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide. Esther and Jerry Hicks [the Teachings of Abraham]. Hay House Inc.

Dr Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care ~ A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management. Bernard Jensen. Avery.

The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine~ How to remedy and prevent disease with Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals and other nutrients. Daniel Mowrey. Keats Publishing Inc.

FATS that HEAL, FATS that KILL 14th printing. Udo Erasmus. Alive Books

Staying Healthy with Nutrition ~ The Complete guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine. Elson M Haas. Celestial Arts.

The way of HERBS ~ complete, easy-to-use information on simple herbal remedies for natural health and healing. Michael Tierra. Pocket Books.

You Can Heal Your Life. Louise Hay. Hay House Inc.

The Courage to Heal ~ A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Ellen Bass & Laura Davis. Harper & Row.