Inform Yourself

Hello and Welcome. Inform Yourself contains a variety of subjects and information from numerous sources. This page is designed to provide KNOWLEDGE and EDUCATION. With this knowledge, you are then EMPOWERED to make Healthy Whole Food Lifestyle Changes to last a Lifetime!! If there is something you would like to see out here, please contact dr Nadine directly.

Acid-Alkaline Foods ~Which foods should we eat? How do we tell the Acid-Alkaline levels of foods? Dr. Susan Silberstein, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement in Cancer Education spoke in Baton Raton Florida about the importance of Eating Primitive these notes highlight her talk and include information about Omega-3 and Omega-6. Click here to view the Acid-Alkaline Food Chart from her talk. 
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ACID INDIGESTION ~ Acid Indigestion is exactly what the name implies – a lack of digestion with an imbalance of stomach acid. Common symptoms of indigestion include bloating, belching, sour burps, gas, heaviness, regurgitation, nausea, cramping and pain. Too little stomach acid is the most common reason for most symptoms of simple indigestion. Other causes of an imbalance include: eating or drinking too fast, which creates hiccups; introducing a new food in large quantities, which creates gas and many times sour burps if the food has a high acid concentration; eating or drinking too much at one time, which creates heartburn because the acidic juice in the stomach backs up into the esophagus; eating on an irregular schedule; and lastly, eating foods that are on your blood type AVOID list.

The digestive system feeds the rest of the body and is itself sensitive to malnutrition or under-nutrition. Our goal then is to ensure we are providing our bodies with adequate amounts of protein, carbs, fat, water, vitamins and minerals. For more information and possible herbal solutions, read Nadine’s paper on Acid Indigestion. 
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Athletes and Juice Plus ~ by Jack Medina M.A. The cells in your body, especially muscle cells (which athletes are most concerned with), will not perform up to maximum capacity unless 1) a maximal amount of oxygen can be delivered to the cell thru the circulatory (blood) system and, 2) the cell itself is healthy enough to absorb enough oxygen. If any muscle cells are in a weakened condition because they do not get enough required nutrients, and therefore cannot grow to their full capacity, it is impossible for them to perform at their maximum potential when the athlete needs them simply because they cannot absorb enough oxygen. Read More
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Anti-oxidants and Oxidative stress ~ When we consume carbs, the logs on our fire, we get smoke, which are toxins or free radicals in our body. Free radicals cause Oxidative stress. This is like the clogging in pipes. We can either put draino down OR we can blow up the Oxidative stress with Anti-oxidants. FRESH RAW Fruits and Veggies…in their NATURAL form are loaded with Anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Each RAW piece of whole Fruit and Vegetables contains 10,000 known vitamins, minerals, enzymes and Phyto-nutrients. Our bodies only absorb small amounts of nutrients at any single moment, not the huge amounts contained in most synthetic supplements. The body is designed to handle foods and should get most of its vitamins from foods. Each vitamin, mineral and enzyme has a specific function and cannot be replaced by something else.

Fruits and vegetables and other whole foods are absolutely, unequivocally necessary on a daily basis for all humans, adults and children. It is stated that we should eat 9-13  servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Three of these fruits and vegetables should be dense, nutritious choices like parsley, kale, spinach, broccoli, and beets. However when most of us do eat these foods, they are usually cooked creating a loss of valuable nutrients.
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Carbohydrates ~ Carbohydrates are the most direct source of glucose, the most important fuel source in the body. Yet, due to a lack of knowledge, carbs are treated as the bad guy. The body requires fuel every 2-3 hours. Once the body trusts that it will receive the needed fuel on a consistent basis, it will then respond back to you by burning the glucose it is getting from the carbs as fuel rather than storing them as fat. On the flip side, when the body does not receive the fuel it needs, it then enters a catabolic state (starvation mode), switches to self-preservation and shuts down!!!!

Choosing carbs and understanding the role they play in the body is like building a fire. A fire is started with very intense hot heat, burning quickly and dying rapidly. This then lights the kindling which are the twigs that give a short burn. Once the kindling is burning steadily, logs can be added to the fire. They may need to be stoked from time to time; however, hours of heat and enjoyment can be had from well-placed logs. Carbs come in the following forms:

  • SIMPLE Carbs (sugar, donuts, candy, fruit, soft drinks, etc) are those foods that have an intense burn and quickly die out. We call them simple carbs because they are simple to find, simple to grab, simple to eat. While these give an intense burn, they are not a good source for fuel and make it difficult to stabilize the blood sugar levels. You experience extreme highs then lows while the body stores these guys as fat.
  • FIBROUS Carbs (veggies) are the kindling in the diet. Fibrous carbs are typically low in calories, can be filling and are excellent sources of fiber. They get the fire going but cannot sustain the burn for very long.
  • COMPLEX Carbs (rice, beans, legumes, pasta, etc) are the logs on the fire. They break down slowly and release glucose gradually into the bloodstream keeping the blood sugar levels stable. Eating a potato (not fries), a cup of pasta, or rice will fuel the body for a good 2-3 hours allowing the metabolism to spin into high gear. Click here to view more food suggestions. 
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Cravings ~ You are what you eat! It is that simple. A blood cells lasts for up to 120 days. Within 4 months, almost your entire blood supply is completely replaced by new cells. Within a year, your blood, tissues, bones and even the enamel on your teeth are completely rebuilt. What does the body use to build these new cells? Nutrients from the food you eat. When you eat densely nutritious foods, your body constructs itself with high-quality materials. When you eat junk… your body builds itself with junk. That brings up cravings. Basically you will crave what you eat. When you continually eat sugar the body then craves more sugar. Changes do not happen over night however, when you switch your tastes over to more fruits, vegetables and grains, your body will begin to crave those things as well.

Many times when folks say they have a ‘craving’ but they don’t know what they want, they are really dehydrated. Rather than eating everything in sight why not try a large glass of water first? If the craving is still there, ask yourself if you want something crunchy, chewy, wet, dry, etc. Once you have that information you are better equipped to find the right food for that particular moment. If you find that you are not really ‘hungry’ after all but rather want to stuff a feeling or numb out, my suggestion in that situation would be to journal, call a friend for support, or take a walk. Do anything to break the pattern of hand to mouth disease. You may even write to me, I am here for you.
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Dairy Products ~ Should I or shouldn’t I eat dairy products? This article was pulled from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) and sheds some light on what is happening in the world of dairy. The choice is always yours as to what you put in your body. Read More. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of one not be given whole cows milk since there are links between cow’s milk consumption and juvenile diabetes, recurrent ear infections, increased iron deficiency, colic, food allergies and chronic constipation. A better choice would be plant milk like soy milk, almond milk, rice milk etc.
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Detoxification and Cleansing ~ Cleansing, detoxifying and assisting the body in the elimination of accumulated toxins provide a way for the whole body system to regain balance, harmony and alignment. The human body is an incredible healing machine and when given the support it needs, will heal itself, since all healing comes from within.

Toxins accumulate from a variety of reasons including but not limited to: stress, the use of antibiotics; improper diet including a high intake of refined wheat, refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, too much of, or a lack of protein; and a lack of stomach acid. One of the prime functions of stomach acid is to facilitate the breakdown of proteins. Low stomach acid may prevent the complete breakdown of proteins, preventing them from being fully assimilated thus leaving food for bacteria to grow. We can detoxify the body and assist it in eliminating those toxins using eliminative herbs that act as laxatives, diuretics, diaphoretics and blood purifiers.

The goals of detoxification and cleansing are to assist the whole body system to realign, regain balance and harmony thus promoting an overall feeling of health and well-being. Many positive affects can be achieved and enjoyed through this process. These might include: increased energy levels; improved mental clarity and function; improved digestion and elimination; enhanced immune system and resistance to infection of illness; and improved blood circulation with healthy glowing skin. A person might also achieve an inner spiritual awareness, heighten senses, and increased levels of joy and happiness.

There are many formulas and processes available to detoxify and cleanse the body ranging from a general point of view to accommodating an individual’s specific health condition. (i.e. cleansing the liver, preventing cancer, removing candida overgrowth, improving bowel moments, etc.) Read Nadine’s paper on Detoxification which contains an Herbal Combination for Detoxification and Cleansing. The intention of the formula is to provide a general detoxification and cleansing opportunity in any person desiring to achieve an overall sense of well-being by the removal of unwanted toxins.

Additional suggestions: Detoxification and cleansing can be greatly enhanced with dry skin brushing. Brush dry skin immediately before showering or bathing, start with the feet and gently brush up toward the heart. Brush from the extremities toward the center. Brush gently in a circular motion around your abdomen and breast/chest area. A proper dry skin brush is made of vegetable bristles that are neither too stiff nor too soft. It shouldn’t scratch, but you should feel some friction against the skin. 
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Essential Fatty Acid’s (EFA’s) ~ Most adults need about 15 percent of their daily energy in the form of fat. Fats in the diet usually take care of themselves so you do not need to go looking for them. Linoleic acid and linolenic acid, however, are two polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) needed by the body for basic functionality. These two essential fatty acids cannot be made in the body from scratch; their nutrients therefore must be supplied by foods. Sources of ‘good’ fat include those high in EFA’s (essential fatty acids): leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, flaxseed oil, soybeans, salmon, tuna, etc. EFA Supplements include: Flaxseed Oil or seeds (most effective when ground right before use), Borage Oil, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), GLA (gamma linolenic acid) and EPO (Evening Prim-Rose oil).
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Enzymes ~ Enzymes are involved with every process in the body. They digest food; take nutrients from food to build muscles, nerves, blood and glands. They assist in storing sugar in the liver and muscles, turn fat into fatty tissue, build phosphorus into bone and nerve tissue, and attach iron to red blood cells. Researchers have identified 2700 different enzymes, each responsible for a particular function. Enzymes can be divided into two groups – exogenous enzymes come from outside the body and endogenous enzymes produced within our bodies.

There are three types of enzymes: METABOLIC enzymes – work in blood, tissues and organs; DIGESTIVE enzymes – provided by the body for food digestion; and FOOD enzymes – found in raw food. Humans are born with an ‘enzyme potential’, depletion of this enzyme potential causes obesity, illness, and eventually death. The body’s sole source for exogenous enzymes comes from the consumption of RAW food. Nature has placed enzymes in food to aid in the digestive process so the body doesn’t have to do all the work. Eating cooked food places stress on the pancreas, liver and spleen, decreasing longevity. Symptoms of enzyme deficiency include fatigue, premature aging and weight gain. In order to enjoy a healthy, energetic and long life, you must consume enough enzymes through eating raw food to avoid depleting your enzyme potential. It is not just about the food in your life… rather the life in your food. 
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FIBER ~ Dietary fiber refers to substances that cannot be broken down by human digestive enzymes but are somewhat vulnerable to breakdown by the enzymes of bacteria that reside in our digestive tracts. A good way to classify fibers is the way they dissolve in water. INSOLUBLE fibers are the tough, fibrous structures of fruits, vegetables and grains; they are indigestible food components that do not dissolve in water. SOLUBLE fibers are food components that readily dissolve in water and often impart gummy or gel-like characteristics to foods. An example is pectin from fruit, which is used to thicken jellies. Soluble fibers are indigestible by human enzymes but may be broken down to absorbable products by the bacteria in the digestive tract.

Fibers in the digestive track: Slow the absorption of nutrients and other molecules by entrapping molecules and preventing their contact with absorptive surfaces; Delay cholesterol absorptions, Bind bile for excretion, Stimulate bacterial fermentation in the colon, and Increase stool weight by holding water within the feces.

Study after study has shown that fiber speeds the movement of stool through the intestines. Helps avoid constipation, suppresses appetite and may play a role in the prevention of colon cancer. Studies also show that Fiber lowers cholesterol, which can lower the risk of heart and artery disease and stroke. A good recommendation for Dietary Fiber is 35-40 grams each day. 
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The idea of combining food is to join two incomplete proteins (grains, legumes, nuts & seeds, and veggies) to obtain a complete protein. The basic guidelines for food combining are as follows:

  • Grains + Legumes (rice and beans)
  • Seeds + Legumes (sesame seeds with garbanzo beans
  • Nuts + Legumes (tofu with sliced almonds)
  • Grains + Milk (hot oatmeal with milk)
  • Grains + Eggs (rice with eggs)
  • Veggies +Milk (cream soups)
  • Veggies + Eggs (salad with sliced eggs)

In addition, the following are some suggested guidelines to follow for combining food in an effort to assist the digestive system:

  • Fruits are to be eaten alone or with other fruits (not melons)
  • Milk is considered a food and is suggested to be eaten alone
  • Protein foods (meat) are not to be eaten with starches (bread, potatoes)
  • Eat One Protein source per meal (do not put steak with shrimp etc)
  • Fruits and Simple Sugars are not to be eaten along with or after other food due to fermentation in the stomach, bloating, gas etc
  • Melons are to be eaten alone. Especially not to be eaten with other fruits
  • Fruits are best eaten in the morning.
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Glutamine ~ L-Glutamine is the most abundant of the amino acids (which can form complete proteins) within your body. Glutamine is essential in repairing muscles and assists in the production of human growth hormone (which elevates muscular gains). Glutamine can also enhance the uptake of the muscle fuel glycogen, and helps stimulate fat loss and increased metabolism. A vast body of scientific literature indicates that bodybuilders, fitness professionals, and strength-driven athletes often do not produce enough glutamine within their livers to restore critical glutamine levels within any reasonable time frame.
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Green Tea ~ Green tea is a super food. A super food is one that has been proven to provide dense, valuable nutrition without negative side effects. Super foods contain certain nutrients in large amounts that are difficult to obtain from other foods in the diet. Green tea contains large amounts of certain powerful antioxidants that are not abundantly available in other foods.

Green tea vs. Black tea ~ While all kinds of tea start as leaves from the same plant, the Camilla Sinensis, different forms of processing yield different kinds of tea. Green tea is lightly steamed at very moderate temperatures, this leads to less oxidation and helps retain the nutritional value of the tea. Black tea is fermented and highly oxidized. The green color as well as much of the nutrient value is destroyed in the process. Polyphenols, one of the most powerful antioxidants within green tea, have been proven to fight cancer, heart disease and other degenerative conditions. Freshly picked green tea leaves contain the highest concentration of polyphenols, whereas the process of creating black tea destroys much of the polyphenols, making green tea a better choice for nutrient content.

Green tea and Cancer ~ Green tea polyphenols work together with other antioxidants and enzymes in the small intestine, liver and lungs to prevent tumors from starting. Green tea has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of cancer as well as to slow its progression. The polyphenols in green tea neutralize free radicals before they have a chance to damage the cells’ DNA. Catechins, the most powerful members of the polyphenol group, interfere with both the initiation and promotion of stages of cancer by reducing the toxicity of some carcinogens thus reducing their cancer causing potential. Additionally, over the past 25 years, research has shown that green tea can:

  • Enhance the immune system by acting as an antioxidant against free radicals that damage the system
  • Prevent normal cells from turning cancerous
  • Suppress the formation and growth of tumors
  • Help regulate cholesterol, control blood pressure and control blood sugar levels
  • Lower the risk of stroke by making blood platelets less sticky
  • Assist in weight loss by slowing the breakdown of starch
  • Ward off food-borne bacteria, fungi and viruses
  • Fight bacteria in the mouth causing bad breath and cavities
  • Slow the aging process

Eating vs. Drinking Tea ~ Eating green tea leaves is far superior to brewing tea since the nutrients are in the LEAVES. We get more nutrients by ingesting rather than consuming the water the leaves were seeped in. Why? Oxidation, a result of applying heat to the leaves, reduces the nutrient values and increases the bioavailability of caffeine. In order to minimize caffeine and maximize the nutrient value of tea, use only food-grade tea. When selecting food-grade tea leaves… the GREENER the color of the leaves, the more nutrient value the tea will have. Interested in an Awesome Breakfast drink loaded with antioxidants including food-grade green tea?? Contact Nadine Nadine also has a great source for food-grade green tea.
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Juice Plus ~Click on the banner below to learn more about whole food based nutrition and Juice Plus+®, including the growing body of independent scientific research demonstrating the effectiveness of Juice Plus+®.

Click here to explore a wealth of information provided by some of the world’s leading authorities on infectious diseases. Science and Health News provides updated information on science, fitness, nutrition. weight loss, lifestyle and medicine.

If you would like more information than is provided on either of these two sites… Please contact Dr Nadine.
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Oxidative Stress and Free Radicals ~ When we consume carbs, the logs on our fire, we get smoke, which are toxins or free radicals in our body. Free radicals cause Oxidative stress. This is like the clogging in pipes. We can either put draino down OR we can blow up the Oxidative Stress with Anti-oxidants. FRESH RAW Fruits and Veggies…in their NATURAL form are loaded with Anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Each RAW piece of whole Fruit and Vegetables contains 10,000 known vitamins, minerals, enzymes and Phyto-nutrients. Our bodies only absorb small amounts of nutrients at any single moment, not the huge amounts contained in most synthetic supplements. Our bodies are designed to handle food and should get the majority of its vitamins from foods. Each vitamin, mineral and enzyme has a specific function and cannot be replaced by something else.

Fruits and vegetables and other whole foods are absolutely, unequivocally necessary on a daily basis for all humans, adults and children. It is stated that we should eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Three of the vegetables should be dense, nutritious choices like parsley, kale, spinach, broccoli, and beets. However when most of us do eat these foods, they are usually cooked creating a loss of valuable nutrients. 
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Protein ~ Protein feeds muscle tissue, allows the body to heal itself, and form new cells, new tissue etc. Every cell from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet requires protein. Yet this is one of the most under eaten forms of food. The bare minimum amount of protein that should be eaten on a daily basis is 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight. For the sake of easy calculation, an average person who does minimal exercise and weighs 150 pounds should be eating 150 grams of protein on a daily basis. That is just to maintain lean muscle tissue. The body requires more than that to build muscle and form new tissue. Good sources of protein include: chicken, turkey breast, fish, soy, shellfish, low fat cottage cheese, etc. Click here to view more food suggestions.
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Sodium ~ Sodium is a major part of the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance system. It is the chief ion used to maintain the volume of fluid outside each cell, helps maintain the acid-base balance, and is essential to muscle contraction and nerve transmission. A deficiency of sodium would be harmful; however, sodium is not one of those items one must go looking for. This bad boy is in everything. The recommended maximum sodium intake is 2400 mg per day. A good rule of thumb is to use 500 mg per serving or less.
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Soy ~ Soy is an inexpensive source of protein, with fiber, and does not contain the saturated fat and cholesterol found in animal products. Soy foods contain many cancer-fighting agents like protease inhibitors, phytate, phytosterols, saponins and isoflavones. Protease inhibitors, for example, not only interfere with the digestion of protein from food, they prevent the activation of the specific genes that cause cancer and protect against the harmful effects of radiation and free radicals. Isoflavones are plant estrogens or phytoestrogens, that function like estrogen in the body. Phytoestrogens bind to estrogen receptors in the tissue, such as breast tissue, and keep the natural, more powerful human estrogen from binding to those same sites. This is important because high levels of estrogen are related to an increased risk of some types of breast cancer.

Soy has been shown to: ward off osteoporosis, lower cholesterol and blood pressure and prevent some cancers by enhancing the immune system through increasing the activity of Natural Killer Cells. Soy can cause the inhibition of intestinal absorption of some medications like thyroid medication. This problem can be overcome by taking the medication at least one hour before or two hours after consuming soy (Dr Pam Popper, PhD in Nutrition) Sources of Soy include: fresh soybeans, Edamame, dry roasted soy nuts, texturized vegetable protein (TVP), soy flour, tofu (silken tofu is great for dips and puddings), tempeh, soy sauce or tamari, miso, etc. See the Recipe section for Nadine’s Killer Pudding.
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Sprouts ~ Sprouts are low in calories and fall in the category of densely nutritious whole super foods. A super food is one that has been proven to provide dense, valuable nutrition without negative side effects. Super foods contain certain nutrients in large amounts that are difficult to obtain from other foods in the diet. In addition to being easily digested by the body, the vitamin and enzyme levels of plants at the sprouted stage are at their peak. Sprouts contain the concentrated nutrients of the plant, in other words they are the blueprints for the entire plant. Each seed contains the nutrients to grow an entirely new plant.

Sprouts are the only category of food in which we eat the whole plant. Other vegetables and legumes must be severed from their roots or the plant in order to be eaten, which causes nutrient loss to begin. Next to sea vegetables, sprouts are the best source of minerals. Most sprouts are rich in calcium and magnesium, contain more phosphorus than fish, are rich in enzymes and are a great source of fiber. Here are a few common sprouts with a few of their properties:

RADISH Sprouts ~ can clear mucus from the respiratory tract, are good for colds, sinus congestion, bronchitis and whooping cough. They have therapeutic value for asthmatics and can assist in maintaining intestinal, urinary tract, and bladder and kidney health.

MUNG BEAN Sprouts ~ the bean fiber increased by 300% when sprouting mung beans. This soluble fiber can be helpful in reducing LDL cholesterol. These sprouts assist in creating more insulin receptors, assist the proper metabolism of sugar, and contain lignans helpful in combating cancer, bacteria and viruses.

RED CLOVER Sprouts ~ have been called the herb of immortality. Red clover contains antioxidants, flavonoids, phytoestrogens, genistein, lignans, vitamin E, selenium and other minerals. Red Clover reduces menopausal symptoms due to the isoflavones content. A double blind study concluded that red clover reduced hot flashes by as much as 75% and slowed the loss of bone mineral density by 49% in a one-year study of 107 women. Red clover is also known to build healthy blood cells, protect the liver and lungs, relieve constipation and ease anxiety.

BLACK SUNFLOWER Sprouts ~ this plant, rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium and niacin, is over 3000 years old. Historically it has been used as a treatment for malaria, pulmonary problems, sore throat, coughs, and bronchitis and kidney disease. It is excellent for bones and teeth, digestion, muscle and tissue tone and the nervous system.

BROCCOLI Sprouts ~ contain 25-50 times the sulphoraphane of a mature plant. Sulphoraphane stimulates the cell’s production of the enzymes, like quinone reductase, that resist tumor growth. These enzymes bond with toxins and flush them out of the body, making them protective against cancer and other diseases related to DNA damage.

ALFALFA Sprouts ~ are the most widely eaten food on the planet. In Arabic, Alfalfa means ‘father of all foods’, and in ancient times was used to build strength and cure illness. Animals graze on this food more than any other. Alfalfa contains large concentrations of Vitamins A, B-complex, E and K, and calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus and trace minerals. These sprouts lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol.

All sprouts are densely nutritious and contain active enzymes when consumed raw. They are FUN and inexpensive to grow at home. Should you get into the sprouting habit, you can enjoy FRESH densely packed nutrition year round.
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Sugar ~ Foods like: sugar, donuts, candy, fruit; soft drinks, etc are called SIMPLE Carbs, they provide an intense burn and quickly die out. We call them simple carbs because they are simple to find, simple to grab, simple to eat. While these give an intense burn, they are not a good source for fuel and make it difficult to stabilize the blood sugar levels. You experience extreme highs then lows while the body stores these guys as fat. In addition to throwing off the body’s homeostasis, excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar’s metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications. Some foods will be listed as sugar free, yet contain many of the other forms of sugar. While sugar substitutes do not contain calories, they still spike the sugar insulin and make you crave more sweetened foods. Here are some forms of sugar and sugar substitutes: brown sugar, concentrated fruit juice sweetener, confectioner’s sugar, corn sweeteners, corn syrup solids, high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltodextrin, fructose, galactose, glucose, granulated sugar, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, sucrose, maple sugar, molasses, raw sugar, turbinado, white sugar, sorbitol, isomalt, mannitol, xylitol, aspartame, saccharine, sucralose etc. READ the label. Check out the carb to sugar ratio. If an item has 38 carbs and 33 of them are sugars, you might want to make a different choice for yourself say one that has 39 g carbs and 8 are sugar. A good rule of thumb is to have less than 20% of your overall carb intake from sugars. If you want to drop body fat… this number should be considerably lower. Bottom line… if you eat foods that are sweetened… you will crave sweetened food.
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SUGGESTED FOODS LIST ~ This is a listing of foods. you might like to incorporate into your daily regime. It is advisable to gets lots of VARIETY into your program so that you get thousands of nutrients from different sources… and so that you do not become bored with your food.
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SPICE IDEAS ~ This is a listing of spices or sauces that are lower in sodium and/or sugar. Look for these in your favorite stores. And should you find more… please send them to Nadine.
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Water ~ Water is the most indispensable nutrient in the body. Not only is it the major transport system bringing each cell the exact nutrients needed, it is also the body’s cleansing agent. Water makes up about 60 percent of the body’s weight and 75 percent of a muscle cell. Everything that happens in the body is dependent, directly or indirectly, on water. Here are a few of the many things water does in the body on a daily basis:

  • Dissolves minerals, proteins, starch and water soluble nutrients and as blood, distributes them throughout the body
  • Adequate hydration assures that hormones, chemical messengers and nutrients reach the organs and cells
  • Every organ that produces something used by the body relies on water pathways for distribution
  • The flow of water through the cell membrane can generate hydroelectric energy stored in the form of ATP and GTP
  • Water is used by the liver to metabolize fat into usable energy
  • Water controls the temperature in the body, is necessary for proper digestion, helps to lubricate the joints and hydrates the skin.

If you are not drinking 64 ounces of water a day you are dehydrated… end of story! The minimum daily water requirement for a 150-pound person is 0.55 times 150, which equals 83 ounces. More water is needed if the body is dehydrated from lack of intake, exercise, sunburn, excessive heat etc. Signs of dehydration include: thirst, rough dry skin, dry mouth, low blood pressure, fatigue, foul smelling urine, reduced urine output, clothing rings on your skin, sheet marks on your skin when you wake up, and water retention. It is common to assume that water retention by the body is a sign of excess water. However, water retention is more often a sign of water shortage, not excess water.

Water, sodium and potassium control the water content of the body. Water moves from the exterior of the cells to the interior of the cells, and potassium holds the water volume inside the cells. Sodium on the other hand, balances the water outside the cells known as extra-cellular fluid. The body draws on this extra-cellular fluid to provide fluid volume within the cells. If a deficiency is perceived, the body begins to retain water in order to protect itself. Continued dehydration may cause a rise in pressure in order to get water into the cells, resulting in hypertension. If the body is dehydrated… drink more water… if the body is retaining fluid that means the cells are holding onto whatever water supply they could find. By drinking more water, not soft drinks or coffee, the cells will open up and start transporting nutrients throughout the body.
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