
Sports Nutrition Specialist ~ National Council on Strength and Fitness, July 2017
Iridology Certification ~ Clayton College of Natural Health, June 2010
Doctor of Naturopathy with a Specialization in Herbology ~ Clayton College of Natural Health, May 2009
Bachelor of Science in Education (Secondary) ~ Mathematics, University of Montana at Billings, March 1984
Bachelor of Science in Education (K-12) ~ Health, Physical Education, Recreation, University of Montana at Billings, March 1984
Licensed Minister Church of Inner Light, Boulder CO, March 2002
Level I Certified Health Coach~ The Wellness Coaching Institute, October 2003
Level II Certified Health Coach ~ The Wellness Coaching Institute, December 2003
Level III Certified Health Coach ~ The Wellness Coaching Institute, March 2004 (Hormones, Preventing Osteoporosis, Cancer, Hearth Disease etc)
Level IV Certified Health Coach ~ The Wellness Coaching Institute, May 2004 (Diabetes, Lupus, ADD/ADHD, Dealing with Stress and Eating for the Athlete)
Certified Blood Type Biometrics Practitioner ~ The Institute for Human Individuality, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, April 2005
NCSF Certified Personal Trainer ~ National Council on Strength and Fitness, October 2005
Nationally Qualified, Competitive Natural Bodybuilder ~ 2005 Northern CO Heavyweight Champion ~ 2005 Southern CO Heavyweight Champion, ~ 2007 CO State Heavyweight Champion
Holistic Approaches for Compulsive Eating and Addictive Behaviors ~ examines the emotional, physical and spiritual causes of abusive food behaviors and explores strategies for overcoming theses problems.
Nutrition for Women ~ delves into the nutritional needs specific to women, including how to eat for optimal sustenance during pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, peri-menopause and menopause.
Nutrition and Human Metabolism ~ thoroughly examines the effects of nutrients on the human metabolic system.