In working with Nadine, in either a Private Individual, or Family Nutrition Session, you may be exposed to information on HERBS, SPICES and Homeopathic Remedies. The following is intended to shed a bit of light in that arena and spark further interest, as you continue your path to overall health and wellness. The information presented below is merely a brief introduction that warrants further investigation on your part.
HERBS and SPICES are an excellent way to create new flavors in the kitchen, add therapeutic ingredients to recipes, teas, tinctures, baths and ointments, and to enhance deep healing within the body.
An HERB can be any plant used for medicine, as an ingredient in food or drink for its preservative flavoring, or health-giving properties. Herbs are also used for perfuming, cosmetic or cleansing actions in many other products. Herbal remedies can include the root, stem, bark, leaf and/or flowers of the plant. A SPICE, as defined in culinary terms, is the dried seeds of certain plants and has been used for centuries in many cuisines.
If you are a beginner, use herbs and spices with care. Each has its own subtle and individual flavor, as well as healing properties. Start small, experiment with one or two herbs or spices. Most of all have some fun as you expand your own awareness and knowledge within this incredible arena of healing modalities.
Herbal Remedies can be administered in many forms including a Bolus, Capsule, Douche, Enema, Oil, Ointment or Salve, as a Tea, Tincture or Herbal Bath.
- Tea Instructions: Using a glass pot, bring a pint-quart of water to a rolling boil. Reduce the heat and Insert your herbs. Steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain your tea making sure to squeeze all the water out of your marc (herbal residue). Enjoy this wonderful addition to your health and well-being. Note: some Tea formulas will list the ingredients in parts. One part is usually one ounce. You can adjust your part to fit your needs.
- Herbal Bath Instructions: Herbal preparations added to a bath enhance and stimulate the skin and blood supply while the herbs’ medicinal and tonic actions benefits the body organism as a whole. To prepare your herbal bath, prepare a quart of strong herbal tea. Add it to your bath water. Get naked, and then sink into your heavenly concoction. You might choose to drink a cup of hot tea while you are soaking in your herbal bath.
Every Herb contains hundreds of biochemical constituents that may have an effect on the body as a whole. One remarkable aspect of Herbs is their combination of several different healing properties. By carefully matching the herbal properties with the symptoms being treated, it is possible to confront the entire scope of the illness/imbalance at once, achieving relief quickly with the minimal possible dosage. The list of Herbal Properties is vast. Below are a few that might be of interest.
Alteratives ~ known as blood purifiers ~ are used in treating toxicity of the blood, infections, arthritis, cancer and skin eruptions.
Analgesics ~ herbs that are taken to relieve pain without causing loss of consciousness.
Antacids ~ herbs that are able to neutralize excess acids in the stomach and intestines.
Antiasthmatics ~ herbs that relieve the symptoms of asthma, dilate the bronchioles, and help break up mucus.
Antibiotics ~ substances that inhibit the growth of, or destroy, bacteria, viruses or amoebas.
Anticatarrhals ~ substances that eliminate or counteract the formation of mucus. A treatment for catarrh should also include the use of herbs that aid elimination through sweat (diaphoretics), urine (diuretics) and feces (laxatives).
Antipyretics ~ cooling herbs used to reduce or prevent fevers.
Antiseptics ~ substances that can be applied to the skin to prevent the growth of bacteria.
Antispasmodics ~ herbs that prevent or relax muscle spasms. They may be applied either internally or externally for relief.
Carminatives ~ herbs and spices taken to relieve gas and griping (severe pains in the bowels).
Cholagogues ~ substances used to promote the flow and discharge of bile into the small intestine. These will also be laxatives, as the bile will stimulate elimination.
Demulcents ~ soothing substances, usually mucilage, taken internally to protect damaged or inflamed tissues. Usually a demulcent herb will be used along with diuretics to protect the kidney and urinary tract.
Diuretics ~ herbs that increase the flow of urine. Diuretics are used to treat water retention, obesity, lymphatic swellings, nerve inflammations, infections of the urinary tract, skin eruptions and kidney stones.
Emollients ~ substances that are softening, soothing and protective to the skin.
Expectorants ~ herbs that will assist in expelling mucus from the lungs and throat.
Nervines ~ herbs that calm nervous tension and nourish the nervous system. See tonics.
Sedatives ~ herbs that strongly quiet the nervous system.
Sialagogues ~ substances that stimulate the flow of saliva and thus aid in the digestion of starches.
Stimulants ~ herbs that increase the energy of the body, drive the circulation, break up obstructions and warm the body.
Tonics ~ herbs that promote the functions of the systems of the body. Most tonics have general effects on the whole body, but also have a marked effect on a specific system within the body.
Vulneraries ~ herbs that encourage the healing of wounds by promoting cell growth and repair.
One symptom that most everyone has experienced in their life time is Acid Indigestion. Another is the need to Detoxify and Cleanse the body. Below are a few papers that Nadine has written that include a few Herbal Remedies to these issues. Nadine has also included information on these two topics under Inform Yourself.
Acid Indigestion ~ a paper containing information on the digestive system, ways to balance macronutrients and herbal/spice remedies for acid indigestion.
The Beauty of Detoxification and Cleansing ~ this paper includes the goals of detoxification and delightful Detoxification and Cleansing Herbal Combination.
Beautiful Body Beautiful Tonic ~this paper includes a tonic blend that addresses the overall health and vitality of your heart, lungs, liver, stomach and digestive track, bowels, eyes, skin, nerves, blood and glands.