Beautiful Body Beautiful Tonic ~ Whole Body Tonic ~ Paper

Beautiful Body Beautiful Tonic
by NADINE, N.D., C.N.S.

It is a new morning. Maybe you too are greeting your day with the desire to BE Alive and to FEEL Alive. What better way than to feed your body a tonic that addresses the overall health and vitality of your heart, lungs, liver, stomach and digestive track, bowels, eyes, skin, nerves, blood and glands. And that, my friend, is the purpose of the Beautiful Body Beautiful Tonic. May you enjoy an overall feeling of AAAAhhhhh as you create this blend.

Intake form: Capsule, Tea or Herbal Bath. I believe the capsule form will be the easiest and most convenient form of intake. However I personally would like to try this as a tea and herbal bath. Instructions for all methods are listed below.

Capsule Instructions: Pulverize each of your herbs into a fine powder. You can do this using your handy-dandy kitchen coffee grinder. Measure out herb portions as listed below. Blend well. Fill “00” gelatin or vegetable capsules with your concoction. Have FUN while doing this task, as your energy will go into your capsules. Fill them with wonderful thoughts.

Tea Instructions: Using a glass pot, bring a pint-quart of water to a rolling boil. Reduce the heat and Insert your herbs. Steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain your tea making sure to squeeze all the water out of your marc (herbal residue). Enjoy this wonderful addition to your health and well-being. Note one part is usually one ounce. You can adjust your part to fit your needs.

Herbal Bath Instructions: Herbal preparations added to a bath enhance and stimulate the skin and blood supply while the herbs’ medicinal and tonic actions benefit the body organism as a whole. To prepare your herbal bath, prepare a quart of strong herbal tea. Add it to your bath water. Get naked, and then sink into your heavenly concoction. You might choose to drink a cup of hot tea while you are soaking in your herbal bath.

Suggested Intake: 2-12 capsules per day as desired. Generally, use more during periods of convalescence, poor health and high stress. As a tea, enjoy 1-3 cups a day. As an Herbal Bath, as often as you desire.

Contraindications: None. Vitamin C supplementation will enhance this blend’s effectiveness. Vitamin E supplementation is recommended when using any product that contains raw Alfalfa.

Choice of Herbs:
Sarsaparilla root (Smilax officinalis) 1 part
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus 1 part
Saw Palmetto berries (Serenoa repens-sabal) 1 part
Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 1 part
Kelp (Laminaria, Macrocystis, Ascophyllym) 1 part
Apple Pectin
1 part

(Medicago sativa) 1 part
(Larrea divaricata) 1 part
Burdock root (Arctium lappa) 1 part

berries (Crataegus oxyacantha) 1 part
root (Hydrastis Canadensis) 1 part
Yellow Dock
root (Rumex crispus) 1 part
leaf (Mentha piperita) 1/8 part
root (Zigiber officinale) 1/8 part

(Capsicum annum) 1 /8 part

Validation of each Herb:
Sarsaparilla root (Smilax officinalis) ~ the high content of saponins in this herb attacks microbial substances within the blood stream and neutralizes them which makes this a great candidate for nerves, blood and glands. Sarsaparilla root is also a strong diuretic, stimulating the excretion of wastes such as uric acid and excess chloride.

Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) ~ was chosen because it stimulates the central nervous system in small amounts and depresses it in large doses; projects the body and nervous system from stress; increases metabolic functions; increases physical and mental efficiency; lowers blood pressure and glucose levels when high, and raises them when low; increases gastrointestinal movement and tone; increases iron metabolism and causes changes in RNA biosynthesis.

Saw Palmetto berries (Serenoa repens-sabal) ~ was chosen for its effects on general health and disposition; tranquilization; appetite stimulation as well as digestion and nutrient assimilation; and its overall contribution to regulating sexual health/development and normalizing the reproductive health activity of the those glands and organs for both men and women.

Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) ~ the affect on the adrenal-pituitary system which stimulates and sustains proper adrenal function in an extremely complex manner by adjusting the concentrations of vital blood salts, is the primary reason I have included Licorice in this blend. Additionally, Licorice root protects the blood supply and enhances its purity by protecting the liver from serious diseases. It is also included in this blend because it modulates and strengthens the activity of other herbs.

Kelp (Laminaria, Macrocystis, Ascophyllum) ~ is a general nutritive tonic to the blood, supplying essential vitamins and mineral salts. It encourages the action of dietary fiber by supplying nutrients and normalizing bowel functions. Iodine, the primary constituent of Kelp activates and regulates metabolism. Kelp has also been included here since it can bind radioactive strontium, barium, cadmium and zinc, some of our most dangerous pollutants, in the gastrointestinal tract, thus prevents their absorption into the body. Kelp is neither carcinogenic nor toxic.

Apple Pectin ~ was chosen for its ability to bind with bile acids, which assists in decreasing cholesterol and fat absorption. Pectin also increases the excretion of neutral bile acids thus protecting the blood and tissue against various environmental toxins. Soviet research shows that heavy metals such as lead and mercury are excreted harmlessly from the body much more efficiently when pectin is included in the diet

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) ~ induces activity in a complex cellular system that inactivates dietary chemical carcinogens in the liver and small intestine before they have a chance to do the body harm. Alfalfa has been shown to possess anti-bacterial actions against negative bacteria and contains at least one protein with known anti-tumor activity. Alfalfa is also a fiber that along with Bran and Pectin, bind and neutralize various types of carcinogenic agents in the colon.

Chaparral (Larrea divaricata) ~ NDGA, the primary constituent in Chaparral reduces inflammation by increasing ascorbic acid levels in the adrenals and inhibits several strains of bacteria, molds and other pathogens. It is used here for its antioxidant and anticancer activity as well as for healing the skin and bone tissue and in preventing pathogenic damage.

Burdock root (Arctium lappa) ~ I chose to include Burdock root as a cleanser, antibiotic and anti-fungal. It improves general nutrition and gradually alters the health of the blood. It is also diuretic and diaphoretic thus promotes the excretion of wastes in both the urine and sweat.

Hawthorn berries (Crataegus oxyacantha) ~ is included for its overall enhancement on the health of the heart by: dilating the blood vessels away from the heart; increasing enzyme metabolism of the heart muscle; increasing oxygen utilization of the heart; and enhancing pulse and cardiac output. The combination of Hawthorn with Cayenne produces a special kind of synergism that augments the cardio tonic activity of both herbs.

Goldenseal root (Hydrastis Canadensis) ~ is included in my blend as a potent antibiotic and antiseptic; for reducing infection and inflammation in the eyes; and for its berberine alkaloids that stimulate bile production and secretion, thus destroying noxious bacteria in the GI tract.

Yellow Dock root (Rumex crispus) ~ is included primarily for its affect on liver functionality and related organs as it increases the ability to strain and purify the blood. I am also using it here to assist with the health of the skin and for its antibacterial properties.

Peppermint leaf (Mentha piperita) ~ the essential oils in the Peppermint leaf enhance digestive activity by stimulating contractile activity in the gallbladder and by encouraging the secretion of bile. Peppermint leaf oils also normalize gastrointestinal activity, remove flaccidity, and reduce stomach cramps. In addition, Peppermint leaf prevents congestion of the blood supply to the brain, helps to clear up any circulatory congestion that exists, stimulates circulation and strengthens and calms nerves. Included also for its anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and choleretic principles.

Ginger root (Zigiber officinale) ~ is included here primarily as a digestive enzyme and a stimulant against fatigue. Ginger produces a generalized stimulant effect that diffuses slowly from the GI tract, gently energizing the blood, thus producing a feeling of warmness counteracting fatigue.

Cayenne (Capsicum annum) ~ is used here for its positive effects on circulation, the heart, the stomach and all other systems of the body. Cayenne will lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure. It also ensures the rapid and even distribution of the active principles of the rest of the herbs to critical functional centers of the body, including those involved in cellular respiration, metabolism, data transmission and neural-hormonal activation. In extremely small quantities it can dramatically increase the efficiency of most other herbs.


Green, J. (2000). The Herbal Medicine-Maker’s Handbook: A Home Manual. California: The Crossing Press. pp 105, 272-273, 294, 295,

Mowrey, D. (1986). The Scienfific Validation of Herbal Medicine. Connecticut: Cormorant Books. pp 3, 4, 12, 19, 20, 26,3 8-40, 56, 57, 75, 76, 88-92, 98, 103, 111, 119, 136-138, 180, 192, 209, 248, 249, 257, 285-293

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